Honoring God first, everything we do at Seigido Ryu is prayed about. He is the One who gives wisdom and ability to do the things He calls us to. We believe in teaching excellence in the Martial Arts tempered by Righteous Character. This means we are to do our part and work at doing the best we can and trusting our Lord every step of the way to the best of our ability.
In Proverbs 21:31, we read "The horse is prepared for the day of battle, but the victory belongs to the Lord." At first glance, one might think this verse guarantees us victory. It does not as we think in the flesh. It guarantees the Lord victory from a spiritual perspective. The victory is His depending on how He wants to use the situation in the lives of those affected. Sometimes, His victory lies in our physical loss, but His victory is ours in the Spirit.
The most effective missionaries are those who understand a particular culture the best and are moste likely the ones who come from that culture. If we are respected as Martial Artists and if our abilities are of professional quality and our conduct is honorable and respectful, then they will respect what we have to say.
So as Proverbs 21:31 states, we train, teach and work, to the best of our abilities being prepared for that day of battle, leaving the end result in the hands of Jesus, for His glory, not ours. |